The True Value of Work: How Glitter’s Wages Stack Up

Glitter cleaners out working on blocks and earning on average $30 an hour.

At Glitter, we believe in the power of fair wages to transform lives and communities. One of the core principles of our organization is to pay our cleaners a living wage—significantly higher than the minimum wage. This commitment not only helps our employees, many of whom face barriers to employment, but also sets a standard for what fair compensation should look like in the cleaning industry and beyond.

Understanding Minimum Wage

The federal minimum wage in the United States has been stuck at $7.25 per hour since 2009. In Pennsylvania, the state minimum wage mirrors the federal rate. However, this amount is far from sufficient for individuals and families trying to make ends meet in today's economy. Even in Philadelphia, where the cost of living continues to rise, many jobs still offer wages that hover around this minimum threshold.

Glitter’s Commitment to a Living Wage

At Glitter, we’ve chosen a different path. We pay our cleaners $20 an hour—almost three times the federal and state minimum wage. This decision is rooted in our belief that everyone deserves to earn a wage that reflects the true value of their work and supports a dignified life.

Why $30 an Hour?

Reflecting the True Value of Labor

Cleaning is hard work. It’s physically demanding and requires attention to detail, dedication, and reliability. Despite this, the industry standard for cleaning services often involves low wages and little job security. By offering $25 per block we see an average hourly earning of $30 an hour. With this level of compensation we aim to elevate the profession, acknowledging the essential role our cleaners play in maintaining healthy, vibrant neighborhoods.

Economic Stability and Social Impact

A living wage allows our employees to cover basic expenses such as housing, food, healthcare, and transportation. This financial stability reduces stress and enables our workers to focus on their jobs and personal growth. Moreover, higher wages contribute to the local economy, as our employees have more spending power to support businesses within their communities.

Supplementing Income and Flexibility

Most of our cleaners work with us as part-time contractors. They are often looking for flexible work to supplement their other obligations and sources of income, such as caregiving, studying, or other part-time jobs. The $30 an hour we offer provides a significant boost to their financial stability, allowing them to manage their other responsibilities while earning a fair wage.

How Our Wages Compare

Industry Standards

The average hourly wage for cleaners in Philadelphia is around $13 to $15, depending on the employer and specific job duties. Some employers might offer slightly higher wages for specialized cleaning roles, but these positions are few and far between. Glitter’s $30 per hour our cleaners are earning is significantly above this average, positioning us as a leader in fair compensation within the cleaning industry.

The Bigger Picture

While our wage is higher than the industry standard, it’s about more than just numbers. It’s about valuing our workers, respecting their contributions, and setting an example for other employers. We believe that our approach can inspire broader change, encouraging more businesses to recognize the benefits of paying fair wages.

Cost of Living in Philadelphia

Living in Philadelphia can be expensive, with costs continuing to rise. Here are some typical expenses that highlight the importance of a living wage:

  • Housing: The median rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Philadelphia is around $1,200 per month.

  • Food: A single adult might spend approximately $300 to $400 per month on groceries.

  • Transportation: Monthly public transportation passes cost around $100, and owning a car can add significantly more to monthly expenses.

  • Healthcare: Even with insurance, co-pays, and out-of-pocket expenses can add up to $200 or more per month.

  • Utilities and Other Essentials: Utility bills, internet, and other necessary services can easily total $200 per month.

These costs quickly add up, making it challenging for individuals earning minimum wage to make ends meet. By paying $20 an hour, Glitter helps bridge this gap, providing our workers with the financial means to better support themselves and their families.

Profit Sharing and Building Economic Opportunity

In addition to paying a living wage, Glitter has implemented a profit-sharing program to further enhance our workers' economic stability. This initiative allows our cleaners to share in the company’s success, providing them with a sense of ownership and investment in the work they do.

We are continuously exploring additional ways to build economic opportunities for our workers into our model. From offering financial literacy workshops to creating pathways for career advancement, we aim to support our employees in achieving long-term economic stability and growth.

The Impact on Our Community

Paying a living wage and offering profit-sharing has ripple effects throughout the community. When workers earn enough to live on and share in the company's success, they can participate more fully in local life—shopping at local businesses, engaging in community activities, and investing in their own futures. This creates a more vibrant, connected, and resilient community, which benefits everyone.

Looking Ahead

At Glitter, we’re committed to maintaining and improving our compensation practices. As we grow, we aim to continue offering competitive wages and benefits that reflect the true value of our employees’ contributions. We also advocate for broader changes in wage policies, pushing for a fairer, more equitable labor market.

Join Us in Making a Difference

If you’re passionate about fair wages and community empowerment, we invite you to support Glitter. Whether through donations, spreading the word, or becoming a part of our growing community, your involvement helps us continue to set new standards in fair compensation and community impact.

Together, we can make a difference—one clean block at a time.

Thank you for supporting Glitter and helping us build a cleaner, fairer, and more vibrant Philadelphia.


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