Building a Just and Inclusive Community

Glitter CEO Brandon Pousley running a recruiting program in partnership with a Philadelphia-based nonprofit for people reentering the workforce in Summer 2024.

At Glitter, our mission goes beyond just cleaning the streets of Philadelphia. We believe in creating a more just, inclusive, and empowered community by prioritizing the hiring of individuals who face significant barriers to employment. These include people who have been incarcerated, single parents, retirees, students, caregivers, and others facing unique challenges. Here's why this approach is integral to our vision and values.

Social Impact: Empowering Individuals and Strengthening Communities

Our approach is designed to create meaningful social impact by empowering individuals and strengthening the communities we serve. Here's how we achieve this:

Breaking the Cycle of Incarceration

In Philadelphia, over 30,000 individuals are currently incarcerated, on parole, or probation (Vera Institute of Justice, 2020). Formerly incarcerated individuals often encounter severe difficulties when re-entering the workforce, with unemployment rates for this group reaching up to 27% (Prison Policy Initiative, 2018). High recidivism rates are frequently linked to the lack of employment opportunities. By offering meaningful work and a living wage, Glitter provides these individuals with a chance to rebuild their lives, contributing to a decrease in recidivism and fostering safer, more stable communities.

Supporting Single Parents and Caregivers

Single parents and caregivers juggle immense responsibilities, often struggling to find flexible employment that accommodates their schedules. Glitter's flexible work hours and supportive environment ensure that these individuals can earn a living while still taking care of their families. This support not only improves their quality of life but also strengthens family units and, by extension, our community.

Providing Opportunities for Retirees and Students

Retirees bring a wealth of experience and dedication, while students offer energy and new perspectives. Both groups may face barriers in traditional employment settings—retirees due to ageism and

students due to lack of experience or rigid academic schedules. By hiring retirees and students, Glitter taps into a diverse talent pool, fostering intergenerational collaboration and creating a vibrant, dynamic workforce.

Economic Benefits: Creating Jobs and Building Wealth

Beyond social impact, Glitter's work generates significant economic benefits. We create jobs, promote financial stability, and contribute to local economic growth.

Living Wage and Economic Stability

We pay our workers a living wage of on average $30 an hour, significantly above the minimum wage. This not only helps our employees achieve financial stability but also stimulates the local economy. Workers spend their earnings in their communities, supporting local businesses and contributing to economic growth.

Justice and Equity: Promoting Fairness and Inclusivity

Promoting justice and equity is at the core of our mission. We aim to create a fair and inclusive workforce by addressing employment discrimination and fostering diversity.

Addressing Employment Discrimination

Many of our hires face systemic discrimination in the job market. For instance, over 60% of formerly incarcerated individuals in Philadelphia report experiencing discrimination due to their criminal records (Urban Institute, 2018). Additionally, fewer than 5% of employers in the region are truly "fair chance" employers (National Employment Law Project, 2020), which exacerbates the difficulty in finding work. Employment discrimination can lead to significant economic hardships, not just for the individuals but also for their families, perpetuating cycles of poverty and instability.

Building a Diverse Workforce

Diversity in the workforce fosters innovation and resilience. By bringing together people from various backgrounds and experiences, Glitter cultivates a rich, collaborative environment where everyone’s perspectives are valued. This diversity strengthens our organization and enhances the services we provide.

A Community Effort: How You Can Help

Our mission is fueled by the support of our neighbors. By contributing to our block cleaning services, you're investing in both cleaner streets and the people of our community.

Join Us in Making a Difference

We invite you to join us in this mission. Whether by pledging towards a cleaner block, spreading the word, or simply supporting our workers with a smile and a kind word, your involvement makes a difference. Together, we can build a cleaner, fairer, and more inclusive Philadelphia.

At Glitter, we believe in the power of community and the potential of every individual. By prioritizing those who face barriers to employment, we’re not just cleaning streets—we’re changing lives and building a brighter future for all.

Here’s to a cleaner, fairer, and more just Philadelphia.

For the Policy Wonks: Additional Statistics and Context

Demographics and Economic Background

The demographics of incarcerated individuals in Philadelphia reveal deep racial and economic disparities. According to the Vera Institute of Justice, Black individuals comprise 66% of the incarcerated population in Philadelphia, despite representing only 44% of the city's overall population. Similarly, individuals from low-income backgrounds are disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system.

Economic Impact of Criminal Records

The economic impact of having a criminal record is severe. A report by the Brookings Institution (2018) indicates that individuals with a criminal record can see their annual earnings reduced by as much as 40%. This economic disadvantage extends to families, where children of incarcerated parents are more likely to experience poverty and instability.

Prison-Industrial Complex

The prison-industrial complex benefits financially from high incarceration rates. The ACLU reports that the U.S. spends over $80 billion annually on incarceration, with private prison companies and service providers profiting significantly from this system. These financial incentives perpetuate high incarceration rates and undermine efforts at rehabilitation and reintegration.

By addressing these issues, Glitter is not just a cleaning service but a catalyst for social and economic change in Philadelphia.

List of Citations:

  1. Vera Institute of Justice, 2020

  2. Prison Policy Initiative, 2018

  3. Urban Institute, 2018

  4. National Employment Law Project, 2020

  5. Brookings Institution, 2018

  6. ACLU, 2020


The True Value of Work: How Glitter’s Wages Stack Up


The Story Behind Glitter