WPNA is teaming up with Glitter to launch a crowdfunded initiative for litter cleanup and beautification across the 25-block West Poplar neighborhood.

The WPNA board will oversee block selection and scheduling, starting with areas most affected by litter. Our neighborhood map shows the blocks actively being cleaned.

Our goal is to raise $5,000 in monthly pledges, which enables us to sweep every West Poplar block weekly. For every $200 pledged, we will add another block to our cleaning schedule.

Join WPNA and Glitter in this journey to create a safer, cleaner neighborhood. Every contribution, regardless of size, is a direct investment in a more vibrant West Poplar. Your support can truly make a difference!

WPNA Cleanup Area.png

https://butn.one/btn/?name=Contribute Today!&link=https%3A%2F%2Fv2so804of6t.typeform.com%2Fto%2FNDEZoI4G%23block_code%3DWPNA%26project%3DWPNA&tab=1&darkMode=0&transparent=0&ftSize=25&ftFamily=Source Sans Pro&ftWeight=bold&ftStyle&cText=%23000000&cBg=%23ffe000&cHText=%232c94cf&cHBg=%23ffe000&bColor=%23000&bRadius=5&bSize=2&position=center&emoji&boxYpos=2&boxXpos=1&boxBlur=0&boxSpread=1&boxColor=rgb(15 15 15 %2F 10%25)&px=40&py=5

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